Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grazie Mille (or What I Learned in Torino)

10. Italian pizza wins. Hands down.

9. There are metal-coffee pot looking contraptions that magically move water from the bottom to the top to create coffee!

8. English-English & American-English are not always the same thing (hence the difference between pits and stones, and seeds and pips)

7. Always name the people/places you encounter. (prime examples - Obama man was the guy we met in the train station who enthusiastically greeted me, as an American, with an OBAMA! YAH! exclamation, or the Roman Statue Attacus that we so christened after we saw an English mother chastizing her young boy who was (you guessed it!) unfourtuantely, named Attacus.)

6. Walking everywhere has it's perks - but also its disadvantages. Sometimes it's good to take a bus.

5. Rain may not stop you in your tracks, but it can definitely dampen your spirits. (although coincidentally, Torino has the most covered walkways out of any city in Europe)

4. Italians don't speak English. Or French. (Consequently, when I got back on the train to France, I was so comforted to hear French...a language I can at least somewhat understand)

3. Don't judge a book by its cover. (I know it's an age old adage, but when we got to Megan's apartment, I totally thought her S.Korean roomate would not be a party girl...and then she went out & partied until 6 am on Saturday! That's what I get for judging too quickly....)

2. There are ways to communicate without words...if both people are willing to try.

1. No matter what goes wrong, there will always be laughter, smiles, and people to help you.

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