Appartently these days, with all this social media hype, jumping on the bandwagon was only going to take a matter of time... & now that I'm in France, people apparently miss me & think I might have interesting things to say. So here I am.
I've just graduated from the University of Idaho, & packed up my bags & moved to Chambery, France. Being here has helped me to realize how little "stuff" matters. I brought two suitcases here & so far, with the exception of a few things, had everything I've needed to live.
What does that say for all of the things I've left behind in my closet in New York & all of the stuff filling my car in Idaho? I think I'll definitely be doing a little spring cleaning when I get back, and trying to remember that all my clutter isn't what really matters in my life.

France is beautiful. If you look out my balcony window, you can see the Alps. I've already been skiing there twice & it is gorgeous. The snow is perfect & it is so quiet, even though there are lots of people there. I've never been colder in my life, but it was totally worth it. Cross one more thing off my bucket list. Our French friends took us, and afterwards we watched the sunset over the alps, ate baguettes, and drank a little Bordeaux.

I coulndn't help but think what a lucky girl I am. I know some people question whether now was a good time for me to go abroad, what with the job search pending & all. It may not be the right time, but when is it? Who knows when I'll get this chance again?
So right now, I'm seizing the day. Doing as much as I can, whenever I can. School is school, but life here is where I'm really learning. Speaking French (gasp - who knew?) & being completely out of my element some of the time. It's pushing me to be better than I was, & learn things I never could've learned from another semester in Idaho. It's time for me to grow up - & it's great to be doing it here, finding
"joie de vivre" as the French say. There's no US equivalent exactly, but it basically means living authentically & finding joy in life.
Now I'm off to Spain for 10 days on winter holiday: Barcelona, Sevilla, Cordoba, Granada & Vallencia. Expect another update soon!
a winter break already? lucky girl :) sounds like you're having a great time. i miss you oodles already.